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Generic statement

05 Mar 15 - 08:12

Generic statement

Download Generic statement

Download Generic statement

Date added: 05.03.2015
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Dev Psychol. 2012 Jan;48(1):159-70. doi: 10.1037/a0025274. Epub 2011 Sep 5. The effect of generic statements on children's causal attributions: questions of

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Oct 8, 2010 - I would like to ask something on generic statement. When we say "lions are wild animals" ,it is a generic statement but when we say "hunters kill a. Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class: Cancer is a generic term for a group of diseases in which cells proliferate wildly. b. Lacking specificity Nov 19, 2010 - During the last election, we heard lots of generic statements about political parties. Ads told us that Democrats want to allow the government to

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Here's an example of a generic statement. It is not about particular accountants but about accountants in general. Accountants are trained to keep accurate Examples of the gnomic include such generic statements as: "birds fly"; "sugar is sweet"; and "a mother can always tell". If, as an aspect, it does take temporality Aug 7, 2014 - This is intended as a generic statement: *A madrigal is popular. This means that being popular is a requirement for being a madrigal. A statement is generic if it expresses a generalization about the members of a kind, as in peculiar to generic statements and does not extend to sentences with The ubiquity and irreducibility of what linguists call generic statements provides a clear argument from a specific and readily understandable case. We think andMar 25, 2009 - It's a statement that isn't too specific. It's a general (overall) statement.

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